Consumer Confidence Report 2022

annual reporting

The Village of Gambier is pleased to present our 2022 Annual Water Quality Report, often called the Consumer Confidence Report. The yearly report contains the results of th various water tests we are required to perform over the past year. There were no violations to report.

Also, we want to inform you, the Village received a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency to inventory and digitally map every water service line for each property in the Village. Applying for the grant was a pro-active move for early compliance with the US EPA's Lead and Copper Rule Revision that takes effect October 16, 2024. To map and catalog every service line and its composition will require us to visit every home to verify this information.

If you have questions or want more information about our annual water report or the service line survey we are about to complete, feel free to call the office at 740-427-2671 or email the Village Administrator at 

Click the link below to view the annual report: